How do I change the IBAN connected to my account?

Last updated on May 8, 2024

Need to update the IBAN number associated with your Vibrant account? Here's how to get it done: 

Contact Vibrant Support:

Send an email to explaining your request to update your IBAN number.
In your email, be sure to include the following details:

  • New IBAN Number: Provide us with the new IBAN number you wish to connect to your account. We recommend that you copy the number from your online bank.

  • Verification: Attach a screenshot from the online bank or a document from your bank. It should display the new IBAN number along with your company name and the bank's name/logo.

  • Reason for Change: Briefly explain why you need to update your IBAN number. This helps Vibrant understand the context of your request.

Vibrant Support will then review your information and process the IBAN update accordingly.

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A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background
A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background

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A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background
A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background

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A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background
A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background

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A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background
A portrait of a Vibrant employee with colorful background
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